How to make the ugliest eggs in the world
Thursday 27th October 2011, Experiment 20111027
How to make the ugliest eggs in the world – an introduction
Sometimes life is a disaster waiting to happen, especially when you are trying your best to make something beautiful with eggs and the end up being the ugliest eggs in the world. It was one of those mornings, when I woke up and decided to make some more beautiful looking eggs. Having succeeded at making perfectly round eggs in 30 seconds I thought I should move on up the amateur cook skill ranking ladder and show how great I had become. The thing about ladders is that you can climb to dizzying heights and the view can be great from the top but when you fall … it truly is a great fall. Having fallen from my short ladder I will show you the ugliest eggs in the world.
I am not that fussy about eggs as long as they are sort of cooked and there is plenty of salt and pepper. If you or your family have a history of high blood pressure, you shouldn’t be reading this. Lately, I found out that I shouldn’t be either … not that I have high blood pressure but one of my potential ancestors does. Actually I do not know if the ugliest eggs in the world will be detrimental to your health. I believe eggs are the best source of nutrition.
No venture no pain with the ugliest eggs in the world
Actually, I ventured to explore egg shaping technology as I was hoping to become a world famous egg shaper. I was dreaming of newspaper headlines “The world famous egg shaper has done it again” or “Peter Achutha has taken egg shaping to an art form, better than Da Vinci” , “Malaysian genius is Michael Angelo of eggs”… We can dream, can’t we? Unfortunately, like all fancy dreams such ideals eventually become unstuck – egg in the face.
Photos of the unstuck ugliest eggs in the world
Having succeeded at making perfectly round eggs I tried to make square eggs and….
..and jelly shaped eggs.
I tried to add extra flavour to my eggs … see the chillies.
After microwaving them for 30 to 40 seconds they didn’t come out as imagined … Ugliest eggs in the world?
… like a jelly shape so that when inverted would have these dainty chillies on top of a jelly shaped eggs. To my surprise the chillies floated to the top. Ugly, uglier, ugliest eggs in the world.
So I tried them again by separating out the egg yolk …
… then adding the egg white separately after mixing salt into the egg white. I didn’t beat the egg white but gently stirred the salt in and it did foam. Is there a foaming agent in eggs? Or is it there is high amount of gasses dissolved in eggs for the developing chicks to breath? I tried searching for such articles on the internet and I found that most scientist were not interested in determine the oxygen level in chicken eggs. They were more interested in the oxygen levels in frogs eggs – no shell. If you don’t believe do a Google search for “oxygen levels in eggs” or something similar. See this egg article and this article is not on the ugliest eggs in the world, its better.
I wondered if there was a foaming agent in eggs or if there was high amounts of oxygen or air dissolved in eggs because the eggs started to rise when microwaved. There was no way I would be able to control and determine the final shape by doing it this way. It was just impossible to control. The more I tried the worse it became the ugliest eggs in Malaysia.
The eggs really turned out real ugly. Real sickening and not at all appetising.
Now you know how to make the ugliest eggs in the world.
This article on How to make the ugliest eggs in the world, was researched and written by Peter Achutha
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