Month: February 2011

  • The Temple of Doom

    The Temple of Doom   My guess is that you are probably wondering whether it is possible to extract some understanding of economics, investments, speculation and market crashes from the Bible. I had written this article, on 30th December 2009, as a chapter of my book “The Art of Recession” and I thought it would…

  • baking french fries

    Baking french fries     I was feeling a little lazy this evening so I decided to do some ‘easy’ cooking. I made french fries without frying them in oil, just baked them. I had a 1 kg pack of french fries in the freezer for moments like this. This is really easy to do…

  • how to make bread without yeast, part II

    10 February 2011 : Recipe #24 Time flies very quickly when you are preoccupied. When I restarted the bread, wholemeal bread to be exact, experiments I realised that it has been more than a year since I looked at bread making. This time around I will be more systematic and bring in my engineering methodologies…

  • how to make bread without yeast

    This post covers my attempts to make bread without using yeast but with baking soda. I have documented many of the experiments either by date or by experiment number.

  • This Blog

    When I started this blog I planned to celebrate life by showing you the joy of cooking, at the very least experimental cooking, which is a labour of love. As I got going I realised that there are many other topics that celebrate life. Hence this blog will cover many other topics too.

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